국립공주대학교 입학안내

(외국인, Foreigners)2025학년도 전기 학부 외국인 특별전형 신편입생 모집 (2025 Spring Semester Foreign Admission for Undergraduate(New&Transfer))
  • 등록일
    2024-09-04 10:23:49
  • 작성자
  • 조회수
  • 2025학년도 전기 학부 외국인 특별전형 신·편입생 모집  

    (2025 Spring Semester Foreign Admission for Undergraduate(New&Transfer))


    ㅁ 원서접수(Period of Application Submission): 2024. 10. 7.(Mon.) 09:00 ~ 11. 7.(Thu.) 18:00

    ㅁ 서류 제출(Submission of Required Documents): 2024. 10. 7.(Mon.) 09:00 ~ 11. 28.(Thu.) 18:00 / should arrive by 18:00

    ***재정능력 입증서류 제출기간 반드시 확인. Make sure to check the seperate period of submission of documents proving financial ability (certificate of balance)***

    ㅁ 면접 대상자 공고(Interviewee Notification): 2024. 12. 5.(Thu.) / No later than18:00

    ㅁ 면접 고사(Interview test): 2024. 12. 9.(Mon.) ~ 12. 13.(Fri) 

    ㅁ 합격자 발표(Notification of Successful Candidates): 2024. 12. 31.(Tue.) / No later than 18:00

    [email: intl_admission@kongju.ac.kr]


    Ref. Graduate Course Admission Guidelines:  September 6 to be announced(The schedule is the same)


    [온라인 접수는 아래 링크에서 가능하며 링크는 10. 7.(월) 09:00 이후로 활성화 됨]

    (Online Application is available in the link below, and it will be activated after 2024. 10. 7.(Mon.) 09:00)

    ☞ https://enter.jinhakapply.com/Notice/1028061/A

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